Clean up history (POST)

Schedules asynchronous history cleanup (See History cleanup).


POST /history/cleanup


Query Parameters

Name Description
immediatelyDue When true the job will be scheduled for nearest future. When false, the job will be scheduled for next batch window start time. Default is true.

Request Body

Not used


Result is not reliable any more

This endpoint will return at most a single history cleanup job. Since version 7.9.0 it is possible to configure multiple parallel history cleanup jobs Use GET /history/cleanup/jobs to find all the available history cleanup jobs.

A JSON object representing scheduled job. See Get Job for the structure and example.

Response Codes

Code Media type Description
200 application/json Request successful.
400 application/json Returned if some of the query parameters are invalid or the engine does not participate in history cleanup. See Cleanup Execution Participation per Node.



POST /history/cleanup?immediatelyDue=false


    "createTime": "2017-04-01T09:45:15.039+0100"

