Get External Task Topic Names

Queries for distinct topic names of external tasks that fulfill given parameters. Query can be restricted to only tasks with retries left, tasks that are locked, or tasks that are unlocked. The parameters withLockedTasks and withUnlockedTasks are exclusive. Setting them both to true will return an empty list. Providing no parameters will return a list of all distinct topic names with external tasks.


GET /external-task/topic-names


Query Parameters

Name Description
withLockedTasks Only include external tasks that are currently locked (i.e., they have a lock time and it has not expired). Value may only be true, as false matches any external task.
withUnlockedTasks Only include external tasks that are currently not locked (i.e., they have no lock or it has expired). Value may only be true, as false matches any external task.
withRetriesLeft Only include external tasks that have a positive (> 0) number of retries (or null). Value may only be true, as false matches any external task.


A JSON array of external task topic names.

Response Codes

Code Media type Description
200 application/json Request successful.
400 application/json Returned if some of the query parameters are invalid. See the Introduction for the error response format.



GET /external-task/topic-names?withLockedTasks


Status 200.

