Container-Based Authentication

What Is Container-Based Authentication?

Camunda supports a broad range of containers, including Tomcat, JBoss, Wildfly, IBM WebSphere and Oracle WebLogic. Using Container-Based Authentication, it is possible to move the authentication action to the container level, which will then make the authentication result available to the Camunda Web Applications.

Enabling Container-Based Authentication

The Container-Based Authentication implementation for the Web Applications is switched off by default, but can be activated by adding a servlet filter in the web.xml as follows:

  <!-- Container Based Authentication filter -->
    <filter-name>Container Based Authentication Filter</filter-name>
    <filter-name>Container Based Authentication Filter</filter-name>

Container-Based Authentication for Single Sign-On

The Camunda Web Applications can also integrate with a Single Sign-On implementation when the Container-Based Authentication servlet filter is enabled.
