
starter 使用org.camunda.bpm.engine.impl.cfg.ProcessEnginePlugin 机制来配置引擎。

配置分为 sections 。 这些 sections 被如下接口定义:

  • org.camunda.bpm.spring.boot.starter.configuration.CamundaProcessEngineConfiguration
  • org.camunda.bpm.spring.boot.starter.configuration.CamundaDatasourceConfiguration
  • org.camunda.bpm.spring.boot.starter.configuration.CamundaHistoryConfiguration
  • org.camunda.bpm.spring.boot.starter.configuration.CamundaHistoryLevelAutoHandlingConfiguration
  • org.camunda.bpm.spring.boot.starter.configuration.CamundaJobConfiguration
  • org.camunda.bpm.spring.boot.starter.configuration.CamundaDeploymentConfiguration
  • org.camunda.bpm.spring.boot.starter.configuration.CamundaJpaConfiguration
  • org.camunda.bpm.spring.boot.starter.configuration.CamundaAuthorizationConfiguration
  • org.camunda.bpm.spring.boot.starter.configuration.CamundaFailedJobConfiguration
  • org.camunda.bpm.spring.boot.starter.configuration.CamundaMetricsConfiguration




设置流程引擎的名称,并自动添加所有 ProcessEnginePlugin beans 到配置中。


配置Camunda数据源并启用事务集成。 默认情况下,主 DataSourcePlatformTransactionManager beans 通过流程引擎配置连接。

如果要配置多个数据源 而且不想将 @Primary 用于使用流程引擎,那么你可以使用名称创建单独的数据源 camundaBpmDataSource 这将由Camunda自动连接。

public DataSource primaryDataSource() {
  return DataSourceBuilder.create().build();

public DataSource secondaryDataSource() {
  return DataSourceBuilder.create().build();


public PlatformTransactionManager primaryTransactionManager() {
  return new JpaTransactionManager();

public PlatformTransactionManager camundaTransactionManager(@Qualifier("camundaBpmDataSource") DataSource dataSource) {
  return new DataSourceTransactionManager(dataSource);



配置应用于流程引擎的历史配置。如果没有配置,则使用历史级别FULL。 如果你想使用一个自定义的HistoryEventHandler,你只需要提供一个实现接口的bean。

public HistoryEventHandler customHistoryEventHandler() {
  return new CustomHistoryEventHanlder();




  • org.camunda.bpm.spring.boot.starter.jdbc.HistoryLevelDeterminator 名为historyLevelDeterminator





  • org.camunda.bpm.engine.impl.jobexecutor.JobExecutor
  • org.springframework.core.task.TaskExecutor 名为 camundaTaskExecutor

重要提示:Job执行器在配置中没有被启用。 这是在spring context成功加载后启动的 (see org.camunda.bpm.spring.boot.starter.runlistener).


如果启用了自动部署(默认情况下是这样的),在classpath中发现的所有进程都会被部署。 资源模式可以通过属性来改变(见 properties).




将授权配置应用于流程引擎。如果没有配置,则使用 “camunda” 的默认值(见properties)。



public class MyCamundaConfiguration {

    public static CamundaDatasourceConfiguration camundaDatasourceConfiguration() {
        return new MyCamundaDatasourceConfiguration();



你只需要提供一个或多个实现org.camunda.bpm.engine.impl.cfg.ProcessEnginePlugin接口的bean(或者org.camunda.bpm.spring.boot.starter.configuration.impl.AbstractCamundaConfiguration扩展)。 配置的应用是通过spring的排序机制(@Order注解和Ordered接口)进行排序。 因此,如果你希望你的配置在默认配置之前被应用,请在你的类中添加@Order(Ordering.DEFAULT_ORDER - 1)注解。 如果你想让你的配置在默认配置之后应用,请在你的类中添加一个@Order(Order.DEFAULT_ORDER + 1)注解。

public class MyCamundaConfiguration {

    @Order(Ordering.DEFAULT_ORDER + 1)
    public static ProcessEnginePlugin myCustomConfiguration() {
        return new MyCustomConfiguration();


Or, if you have component scan enabled:

@Order(Ordering.DEFAULT_ORDER + 1)
public class MyCustomConfiguration implements ProcessEnginePlugin {

    public void preInit(ProcessEngineConfigurationImpl processEngineConfiguration) {




@Order(Ordering.DEFAULT_ORDER + 1)
public class MyCustomConfiguration extends AbstractCamundaConfiguration {

    public void preInit(SpringProcessEngineConfiguration springProcessEngineConfiguration) {



Camunda 引擎特性

除了基于Bean的覆盖流程引擎配置属性的方式之外,也可以通过application.yaml配置文件来设置这些属性。关于如何使用它的说明可以在 Spring Boot Starter 向导中找到。


Prefix Property name Description Default value
camunda.bpm .enabled Switch to disable the Camunda auto-configuration. Use to exclude Camunda in integration tests. true
.process-engine-name Name of the process engine Camunda default value
.generate-unique-process-engine-name Generate a unique name for the process engine (format: 'processEngine' + 10 random alphanumeric characters) false
.generate-unique-process-application-name Generate a unique Process Application name for every Process Application deployment (format: 'processApplication' + 10 random alphanumeric characters) false
.default-serialization-format Default serialization format Camunda default value
.history-level Camunda history level FULL
.history-level-default Camunda history level to use when history-level is auto, but the level can not determined automatically FULL
.auto-deployment-enabled If processes should be auto deployed. This is disabled when using the SpringBootProcessApplication true
.default-number-of-retries Specifies how many times a job will be executed before an incident is raised 3
.job-executor-acquire-by-priority If set to true, the job executor will acquire the jobs with the highest priorities false
.license-file Provides a URL to your Camunda license file and is automatically inserted into the DB when the application starts (but only if no valid license key is found in the DB).

Note: This property is only available when using the camunda-bpm-spring-boot-starter-webapp-ee
By default, the license key will be loaded:
  1. from the URL provided via the this property (if present)
  2. from the file with the name camunda-license.txt from the classpath (if present)
  3. from path ${user.home}/.camunda/license.txt (if present)
The license must be exactly in the format as we sent it to you including the header and footer line. Bear in mind that for some licenses there is a minimum version requirement.
.id-generator Configure idGenerator. Allowed values: simple, strong, prefixed. prefixed id generator is like strong, but uses a Spring application name (${spring.application.name}) as the prefix for each id. strong
.version Version of the process engine Read only value, e.g., 7.4.0
.formatted-version Formatted version of the process engine Read only value, e.g., (v7.4.0)
.deployment-resource-pattern Location for auto deployment classpath*:**/*.bpmn, classpath*:**/*.bpmn20.xml, classpath*:**/*.dmn, classpath*:**/*.dmn11.xml, classpath*:**/*.cmmn, classpath*:**/*.cmmn10.xml, classpath*:**/*.cmmn11.xml
Job Execution
camunda.bpm.job-execution .enabled If set to false, no JobExecutor bean is created at all. Maybe used for testing. true
.deployment-aware If job executor is deployment aware false
.core-pool-size Set to value > 1 to activate parallel job execution. 3
.keep-alive-seconds Specifies the time, in milliseconds, for which threads are kept alive when there are no more tasks present. When the time expires, threads are terminated so that the core pool size is reached. 0
.lock-time-in-millis Specifies the time in milliseconds an acquired job is locked for execution. During that time, no other job executor can acquire the job. 300000
.max-jobs-per-acquisition Sets the maximal number of jobs to be acquired at once. 3
.max-pool-size Maximum number of parallel threads executing jobs. 10
.queue-capacity Sets the size of the queue which is used for holding tasks to be executed. 3
.wait-time-in-millis Specifies the wait time of the job acquisition thread in milliseconds in case there are less jobs available for execution than requested during acquisition. If this is repeatedly the case, the wait time is increased exponentially by the factor waitIncreaseFactor. The wait time is capped by maxWait. 5000
.max-wait Specifies the maximum wait time of the job acquisition thread in milliseconds in case there are less jobs available for execution than requested during acquisition. 60000
.backoff-time-in-millis Specifies the wait time of the job acquisition thread in milliseconds in case jobs were acquired but could not be locked. This condition indicates that there are other job acquisition threads acquiring jobs in parallel. If this is repeatedly the case, the backoff time is increased exponentially by the factor waitIncreaseFactor. The time is capped by maxBackoff. With every increase in backoff time, the number of jobs acquired increases by waitIncreaseFactor as well. 0
.max-backoff Specifies the maximum wait time of the job acquisition thread in milliseconds in case jobs were acquired but could not be locked. 0
.backoff-decrease-threshold Specifies the number of successful job acquisition cycles without a job locking failure before the backoff time is decreased again. In that case, the backoff time is reduced by waitIncreaseFactor. 100
.wait-increase-factor Specifies the factor by which wait and backoff time are increased in case their activation conditions are repeatedly met. 2
camunda.bpm.database .schema-update If automatic schema update should be applied, use one of [true, false, create, create-drop, drop-create] true
.type Type of the underlying database. Possible values: h2, mysql, mariadb, oracle, postgres, mssql, db2. Will be automatically determined from datasource
.table-prefix Prefix of the camunda database tables. Attention: The table prefix will not be applied if you are using schema-update! Camunda default value
.schema-name The dataBase schema name Camunda default value
.jdbc-batch-processing Controls if the engine executes the jdbc statements as Batch or not. It has to be disabled for some databases. See the user guide for further details. Camunda default value: true
camunda.bpm.eventing .execution Enables eventing of delegate execution events. See the user guide for further details. true
.history Enables eventing of history events. See the user guide for further details. true
.task Enables eventing of task events. See the user guide for further details. true
camunda.bpm.jpa .enabled Enables jpa configuration true. Depends on entityManagerFactory bean.
.persistence-unit-name JPA persistence unit name -
.close-entity-manager Close JPA entity manager true
.handle-transaction JPA handle transaction true
camunda.bpm.management .health.camunda.enabled Enables default camunda health indicators true
camunda.bpm.metrics .enabled Enables metrics reporting Camunda default value
.db-reporter-activate Enables db metrics reporting Camunda default value
camunda.bpm.webapp .enabled Switch to disable the Camunda Webapp auto-configuration. true
.index-redirect-enabled Registers a redirect from / to camunda's bundled index.html.
If this property is set to false, the default Spring Boot behaviour is taken into account.
.application-path Changes the application path of the webapp.
When setting to /, the legacy behavior of Camunda Spring Boot Starter <= 3.4.x is restored.
.target-origin Sets the application expected deployment domain. See the user guide for details. Not set
.deny-status Sets the HTTP response status code used for a denied request. See the user guide for details. 403
.random-class Sets the name of the class used to generate tokens. See the user guide for details. java.security.SecureRandom
.entry-points Sets additional URLs that will not be tested for the presence of a valid token. See the user guide for details. Not set
.enable-secure-cookie If set to true, the cookie flag Secure is enabled. false
.enable-same-site-cookie If set to false, the cookie flag SameSite is disabled. The default value of the SameSite cookie is LAX and it can be changed via same-site-cookie-option configuration property. true
.same-site-cookie-option Can be configured either to STRICT or LAX.

  • Is ignored when enable-same-site-cookie is set to false
  • Cannot be set in conjunction with same-site-cookie-value
Not set
.same-site-cookie-value A custom value for the cookie property.

  • Is ignored when enable-same-site-cookie is set to false
  • Cannot be set in conjunction with same-site-cookie-option
Not set
.cookie-name A custom value to change the cookie name.
Note: Please make sure to additionally change the cookie name for each webapp (e. g. Cockpit ) separately.
.xss-protection-disabled The header can be entirely disabled if set to true.
Allowed set of values is true and false.
.xss-protection-option The allowed set of values:
  • BLOCK: If the browser detects a cross-site scripting attack, the page is blocked completely
  • SANITIZE: If the browser detects a cross-site scripting attack, the page is sanitized from suspicious parts (value 0)
  • Is ignored when .xss-protection-disabled is set to true
  • Cannot be set in conjunction with .xss-protection-value
.xss-protection-value A custom value for the header can be specified.

  • Is ignored when .xss-protection-disabled is set to true
  • Cannot be set in conjunction with .xss-protection-option
1; mode=block
.content-security-policy-disabled The header can be entirely disabled if set to true.
Allowed set of values is true and false.
.content-security-policy-value A custom value for the header can be specified.

Note: Property is ignored when .content-security-policy-disabled is set to true
base-uri 'self'
.content-type-options-disabled The header can be entirely disabled if set to true.
Allowed set of values is true and false.
.content-type-options-value A custom value for the header can be specified.

Note: Property is ignored when .content-security-policy-disabled is set to true
.hsts-disabled Set to false to enable the header. The header is disabled by default.
Allowed set of values is true and false.
.hsts-max-age Amount of seconds, the browser should remember to access the webapp via HTTPS.

  • Corresponds by default to one year
  • Is ignored when hstsDisabled is true
  • Cannot be set in conjunction with hstsValue
  • Allows a maximum value of 231-1
.hsts-include-subdomains-disabled HSTS is additionally to the domain of the webapp enabled for all its subdomains.

  • Is ignored when hstsDisabled is true
  • Cannot be set in conjunction with hstsValue
.hsts-value A custom value for the header can be specified.

  • Is ignored when hstsDisabled is true
  • Cannot be set in conjunction with hstsMaxAge or hstsIncludeSubdomainsDisabled
camunda.bpm.authorization .enabled Enables authorization Camunda default value
.enabled-for-custom-code Enables authorization for custom code Camunda default value
.authorization-check-revokes Configures authorization check revokes Camunda default value
.tenant-check-enabled Performs tenant checks to ensure that an authenticated user can only access data that belongs to one of his tenants. true
Admin User
camunda.bpm.admin-user .id The username (e.g., 'admin') -
.password The initial password =id
.firstName, .lastName, .email Additional (optional) user attributes Defaults to value of 'id'
camunda.bpm.filter .create Name of a "show all" filter. If set, a new filter is created on start that displays all tasks. Useful for testing on h2 db. -








    id: kermit
    password: superSecret
    firstName: Kermit
    create: All tasks


        enable-password-policy: true

你可以通过application.yaml配置文件为Spring Boot应用程序配置 *Session Cookie*。

Camunda Spring Boot Starter版本:

<= 2.3 (Spring Boot version 1.x)

      secure: true
      http-only: true # 在 1.5.14 版本之前不可用

>= 3.0 (Spring Boot version 2.x)

        secure: true
        http-only: true # 在 2.0.3 版本之前不可用

配置 Spin 数据格式

当在classpath上检测到camunda-spin-dataformat-jon-jackson依赖时,Camunda Spring Boot Starter会自动配置Spin Jackson Json DataFormat。 camunda-spin-dataformat-jon-jackson的依赖关系时,就会自动配置Spin Jackson Json数据格式。要包含一个 DataFormatConfigurator的所需Jackson Java 8模块,适当的依赖也需要包含在classpath中。请注意,camunda-engine-plugin-spin也需要作为一个依赖项被包含,以便自动配置器能够工作。

自动配置目前支持以下Jackson Java 8模块:

  1. Parameter names (jackson-module-parameter-names)
  2. Java 8 Date/time (jackson-datatype-jdk8)
  3. Java 8 Datatypes (jackson-datatype-jsr310)


当使用camunda-spin-dataformat-all作为依赖时,Spin Jackson Json DataFormat的自动配置被禁用。camunda-spin-dataformat-all工件会覆盖Jackson库,这破坏了与普通Jackson模块的兼容性。如果有必要使用camunda-spin-dataformat-all,请使用Spin Custom DataFormat configuration的标准方法。

例如,为了在Spin中提供对Java 8日期/时间类型的支持,需要在Spring Boot应用程序的pom.xml文件中添加以下依赖,以及相应的版本标记。


Spring Boot还提供了一些不错的配置属性,以进一步配置Jackson ObjectMapper。它们可以在这里找到。


  1. 提供一个`org.camunda.spin.spi.DataFormatConfigurator’的自定义实现。
  2. META-INF/spring.plants文件中添加接口和实现的全限定类名的适当键值对。
  3. 确保包含配置器的组件可以从Spin的classloader中到达。
