Create a Model

To create a new CMMN model from scratch, you have to create an empty CMMN model instance with the following method:

CmmnModelInstance modelInstance = Cmmn.createEmptyModel();

The next step is to create a CMMN definitions element. Set the target namespace on it and add it to the newly created empty model instance.

Definitions definitions = modelInstance.newInstance(Definitions.class);

Usually you want to add a case to your model. This follows the same 3 steps as the creation of the CMMN definitions element:

  1. Create a new instance of the CMMN element
  2. Set attributes and child elements of the element instance
  3. Add the newly created element instance to the corresponding parent element
Case caseElement = modelInstance.newInstance(Case.class);

To simplify this repeating procedure, you can use a helper method like this one.

protected <T extends CmmnModelElementInstance> T createElement(CmmnModelElementInstance parentElement, String id, Class<T> elementClass) {
  T element = modelInstance.newInstance(elementClass);
  element.setAttributeValue("id", id, true);
  return element;

Validate the model against the CMMN 1.1 specification and convert it to an XML string or save it to a file or stream.

// validate the model

// convert to string
String xmlString = Cmmn.convertToString(modelInstance);

// write to output stream
OutputStream outputStream = new OutputStream(...);
Cmmn.writeModelToStream(outputStream, modelInstance);

// write to file
File file = new File(...);
Cmmn.writeModelToFile(file, modelInstance);
