Delete Process Definition

Deletes a process definition from a deployment by id.


DELETE /process-definition/{id}


Path Parameters

Name Description
id The id of the process definition to be deleted.

Query Parameters

Name Description
cascade true, if all process instances, historic process instances and jobs for this process definition should be deleted.
skipCustomListeners true, if only the built-in ExecutionListeners should be notified with the end event.
skipIoMappings A boolean value to control whether input/output mappings should be executed during deletion. true, if input/output mappings should not be invoked.


This method returns no content.

Response Codes

Code Media type Description
200 Request successful.
404 application/json Process definition with id 'aProcessDefinitionId' does not exist. See the Introduction for the error response format.



Delete a process definition with id aProcessDefinitionId and cascade deletion to process instances, history process instances and jobs:

DELETE /process-definition/aProcessDefinitionId?cascade=true&skipCustomListeners=true&skipIoMappings=true


Status 200. OK.
