In order to update existing CMMN 1.0 XMLs to valid CMMN 1.1 the following adjustments must be done.

  • The namespace must be updated as follows:

    Affected Elements Definitions
    CMMN 1.0 <definitions xmlns=“">
    CMMN 1.1 <definitions xmlns=“">

  • The <body/> element from expressions must be removed:

    Affected Elements Condition
    CMMN 1.0 <condition>
    CMMN 1.1 <condition>${any-expression}</condition>
    This is relevant for all elements containing a condition like IfPart, ManualActivationRule and RequiredRule

  • The attributes entryCriteriaRefs and exitCriteriaRefs are dropped, so that the following adjustments must be done:

    Affected Elements PlanItem, CasePlanModel
    CMMN 1.0 <planItem id=“A_PLAN_ITEM_ID”
           entryCriteriaRefs=“Sentry_1 Sentry_2”
           exitCriteriaRefs=“Sentry_3 Sentry4” />
    CMMN 1.1 <planItem id=“A_PLAN_ITEM_ID”>
       <entryCriterion sentryRef=“Sentry_1” />
       <entryCriterion sentryRef=“Sentry_2” />
       <exitCriterion sentryRef=“Sentry_3” />
       <exitCriterion sentryRef=“Sentry_4” />

  • The attribute description is not available anymore. Instead of the description attribute use the <documentation/> element:

    Affected Elements Any CMMN element
    CMMN 1.0 <planItem id=“A_PLAN_ITEM_ID”
           description=“This is a description of the plan item…” />
    CMMN 1.1 <planItem id=“A_PLAN_ITEM_ID”>
           This is a description of the plan item…
